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Emulating Paul Example

The Apostle Paul, a man deeply devoted to the gospel, exemplifies a selfless and sacrificial love for the Church. His ministry was characterized by a genuine concern for the spiritual well-being of believers, even in the face of rejection and opposition.

The Weight of Unbelievers

Paul’s heart was burdened by those who remained unconverted, those who had not embraced the gospel and experienced the transformative power of Christ. He felt a deep sense of responsibility to share the good news with all, even those who were resistant or hostile.

This burden was not merely a sentimental feeling but a deep conviction rooted in his love for God and his desire to see others saved. Paul’s passion for the gospel drove him to endure hardships, persecution, and even the threat of death.

The Challenge of False Teachers

In addition to the burden of unbelievers, Paul faced the challenge of false teachers who were infiltrating the Corinthian church. These individuals were spreading distorted versions of the gospel, sowing confusion and division among believers.

Paul was deeply concerned about the impact of these false teachers on the spiritual health of the Corinthian church. He knew that their deceptive messages could lead to spiritual deception and ultimately, separation from God.

A Model of Selfless Service

Despite the challenges he faced, Paul remained steadfast in his love for the Corinthian church. He refused to burden them financially, choosing to spend his own resources to support their needs. He even offered to work with his own hands to avoid being a financial burden on them.

This selfless spirit is a powerful example for all believers. It demonstrates that true love is not about personal gain or recognition but about putting the needs of others before our own.

The Pain of Rejection

Paul’s love for the Corinthians was met with both gratitude and rejection. While some appreciated his selfless service and spiritual guidance, others were critical and resistant to his message. This experience highlights the reality that even the most sincere efforts to love and serve others may not always be met with appreciation.

A Call to Repentance and Renewal

The Burden of Love

Despite the challenges he faced, Paul did not give up on the Corinthian church. He continued to plead with them to repent of their sins and embrace the true gospel. His words serve as a powerful reminder of the importance of spiritual renewal and the need for ongoing repentance.

Practical Applications

  • Selfless Service: Seek opportunities to serve others without expecting anything in return.
  • Love Unconditionally: Love others, even those who may be difficult or unappreciative.
  • Be Discerning: Guard against false teaching and remain grounded in the truth of the gospel.
  • Pray for Unbelievers: Intercede for those who do not know Christ, praying for their salvation.
  • Strive for Holiness: Pursue a life of holiness, seeking to live according to God’s standards.

Prayer Points for Emulating Paul Example

  1. For a Selfless Spirit: Lord, grant me a selfless spirit, like Paul, that I may prioritize the needs of others above my own. Help me to love unconditionally and serve with humility.
  2. For Perseverance in the Face of Adversity: Give me the strength and perseverance to endure hardships and remain steadfast in my faith, even when faced with rejection or opposition.
  3. For Discernment Against False Teaching: Protect me from being deceived by false teachers and grant me the wisdom to discern between truth and error.
  4. For Love for Unbelievers: Fill my heart with compassion for those who do not know Christ, and give me the courage to share the gospel with them.
  5. For Spiritual Maturity: Help me to grow in spiritual maturity, becoming more like Christ and reflecting His love in my life.


The story of Paul’s relationship with the Corinthian church is a powerful reminder of the sacrificial love that should characterize every Christian. It is a call to remain steadfast in our faith, even in the face of adversity, and to continue to love and serve others, regardless of their response.

May we all be inspired by Paul’s example, striving to emulate his selfless spirit and unwavering commitment to the gospel.

 God blessed you for reading and knowing how to endure doing hard time. In times of no food and facing the challenges in this country, Nigeria especially.  and others country as well too. may God grant us the privilege to endure and overcome difficult time in Jesus Christ name Amen.